[wp-testers] Changing tag name changes category with same name

Lloyd Budd lloydomattic at gmail.com
Tue Mar 18 20:47:36 GMT 2008

On Tue, Mar 18, 2008 at 1:41 PM, Joshua Hart <jahshuah at gmail.com> wrote:
> I wasn't sure how tags and categories are differentiated from one another
>  within the database, but, I found the following behavior odd:
>  I have a tag titled "life" and a category titled "Life."  I purposely name
>  my tags in all lower-case and my categories get the first letter
>  capitalized.  However, I noticed that the tags listed for a particular post
>  of mine had one tag with a capital letter as it's first letter when I
>  specifically created it in all lower case.  So, I changed the capitalization
>  for that tag.  Well, now the category is in all lower-case.  So I changed
>  the category back to have a capital letter as it's first letter and now the
>  tag matches the category's capitalization.  And so it went.
>  Does anyone have any insight into this?  I'm using revision 7379 and Safari
>  3.1 (although I don't think the browser would have anything to do with
>  this).  Thanks

Capitalization is a little more specific problem than what sounds like
a really bad problem in your title "Changing tag name changes category
with same name"

This isn't a new issue. I know this issue is reported in trac, and a
future release (not 2.5) is targeted.

Hope that helps,
Lloyd Budd | Digital Entomologist | | Skype:foolswisdom
WordPress.com | WordPress.org | Automattic.com

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