[wp-polyglots] Romanian Translation

Stas Sushkov stas at nerd.ro
Wed Sep 10 20:03:14 GMT 2008

Yes, finally a great Romanian translation of wordpress.
Once more congratulations to CNET.Ro team for providing it.

Allow me to suggest you only one thing, please try switching your
diacritics to the correct type.
More about this issue can be found:
- about correct diacritics (http://www.i18n.ro/Diacritice)
- about keyboard map
-- Windows (http://www.i18n.ro/Windows_XP)
-- Linux (http://www.i18n.ro/tastaturi)

That's all  so far, and thank you.

A personal request to Nikolay:
Could you please import or allow importing provided po file into Launchpad.net.
This way all further translation jobs will be held publicly and open
available to everyone willing to update a translation.
Pootle is good, but I already described issues by using it. And most
important, Launchpad's user base is far more large
then any other translation community, this way it will be much easier
updating and translating other projects (maybe bbPress or upcoming

Thank you in advance.

() Campania Panglicii în ASCII
/\ http://stas.nerd.ro/ascii/

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