[wp-polyglots] Esperanto WordPress Site

Nikolay Bachiyski nbachiyski at developer.bg
Thu May 1 07:53:06 GMT 2008

On Thu, May 1, 2008 at 10:41 AM, Bertilo Wennergren <bertilow at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Correct, but I highly recommend you don't use theme/, but translate
> > the i18n-ed kubrick.
> >
>  Actually I slightly modify the default theme, adding a wee bit of
>  HTML to prepare it for one of our special plugins. So I guess
>  we have to provide a whole translated default theme just because
>  of that. But that theme could of course still be based on the
>  i18n-ed kubrick.

You can put in dist the modified files only. Are these modifications
crucial? Can't the plugin do it on its own?

>  I just tested the build system. It seems that there is a bug
>  involved with the option "Include the original, untranslated default theme
> as another theme named default-en". That just doesn't
>  happen. Could this have anything to do with the fact that I
>  added the directory "themes" to "dist/wp-content/" (to handle
>  all the extra translated themes that we include)? I guess
>  that "themes" directory is normally not there. Maybe it confuses
>  the build system...

It doesn't confuse anything. This option has just never worked :-)

I removed the checkbox until it is implemented.

>  Otherwise things seem to work just fine. The system even automatically
>  included two additional plugins from a different repository
> ("http://svn.wp-plugins.org") obeying the "svn:externals" magic
>  that I added today. Joy!

Yeah, the magic of subversion...

Happy translating,

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