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Computer Guru computerguru at neosmart.net
Wed Dec 13 20:50:12 GMT 2006

You asked a question, and I gave you a succinct and accurate reply, but if
you really want the boring details, here goes:

WP-Hackers is for discussing code and ideas pertinent to the evolution and
future of WordPress. It's where we discuss/dissect code-ideas and the
metaphysics of blogging. Cool?

Keeping that in mind, my original thread to this list was asking for
clarification/reasoning behind the dropping of a feature from 2.1. Like I
said, I was "wrong" to continue the discussion here once I learned that it
_wasn't_ in fact dropped from 2.1.

Moreover, this is in keeping with the mood of the last couple threads
discussing which plugins work and leading up to Andy's (very useful) post in
the WP-Dev blog. If that doesn't qualify as WP-Hacker-compliant, I don't
know what is.

The *original question* was 100% wp-hackers content. The follow-up threads
were slightly OT. What more do you need? A written affidavit promising to
never go OT in a thread again?

At any rate, your complaints and this pointless email explaining the
reasoning behind my only too-obvious mistake are probably pissing
subscribers off more than the original question - esp. seeing as that was a
3-message-total, while this conversation over how evil my actions were (even
after I admitted it was a bit OT) have already taken-up twice that.

Sorry to clutter your inbox, I'm exiting this conversation now.

Computer Guru
NeoSmart Technologies

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