[wp-forums] It must be Friday, B-Coded _two_ users

esmi at quirm dot net esmi at quirm.net
Fri Sep 14 11:34:29 UTC 2012

on 14/09/2012 11:17 Jan Dembowski said the following:
> The user jiffyjack sent me an email via my contact me page on my site
> (with a bogus email address too, how thoughtful) asking that I remove
> links in the theme authors post of his former clients. I've not done
> that and I'm sorely tempted to just delete the topic (not done that
> either).

He's still complaining and you're now the Devil Incarnate. With luck, 
he'll calm down over the next 24 hours or so.

On a related note, perhaps we should be be offering something in the way 
of support via the handbook for new(er) mods who are suddenly emailed by 
irate posters. There's been the odd occasion when such emails have 
gotten real nasty and I think we should be offering a lifeline to anyone 
who starts to feel threatened/harassed.



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