[wp-forums] It must be Friday, B-Coded _two_ users

Jan Dembowski jan at dembowski.net
Fri Sep 14 10:17:48 UTC 2012

Good morning,

I've b-coded these two users to put them in different corners in the
timeout room.


This is for the (apparently) long running disagreement that culminated
in this thread.


Putting aside the back and forth, the theme author posted an image of
a PayPal page with some personal information. That was caught in the
spam filter which I picked up after cleaning the queue out. When he
calms down soon, I'm sure he can go back to playing with the other
kids unsupervised. In all fairness, he was provoked but he shouldn't
have done that.

I've also deleted some duplicate threads from jiffyjack that can be
summed up as "Theme Vendor Stinks, Stay Away!"

The user jiffyjack sent me an email via my contact me page on my site
(with a bogus email address too, how thoughtful) asking that I remove
links in the theme authors post of his former clients. I've not done
that and I'm sorely tempted to just delete the topic (not done that

I'm getting more coffee. Dealing with the spam queue is so much easier
in the morning...


Jan Dembowski

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