[wp-forums] Forums are fixing xhtml in code tags...

Michael Fields michael at mfields.org
Tue May 13 21:49:51 GMT 2008

I have been helping out someone with xhtml validation in the forums. The 
thread is here: 

I needed to illustrate to him that his <br> tags needed to be terminated 
to validate <br />. Problem is that the content within the backticks is 
being filtered as xhtml and corrected. I cannot type <br> and have it 
display as such as it will be changed to <br />. Is there any way that 
this can be fixed??? IMO it is very important that we be able to post 
invalid xhtml as code in the forums. Most times it is the only way to 
illustrate where someone has made a mistake.

Also on this thread: http://wordpress.org/support/topic/175483?replies=5 
I tried to illustrate how Wordpress would filter text entered into the 
post_content textarea - I typed both <br />  and <p> tags into 
backticks, but I think they were rendered as html instead of code.

Any help here would be great!!!


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