[wp-forums] Forums are fixing xhtml in code tags...

Otto otto at ottodestruct.com
Wed May 14 18:31:00 GMT 2008

Wow, that is really highly annoying. Even using <br> gets corrected.

Nothing should be auto-fixed in between the backticks, ever.

On Tue, May 13, 2008 at 4:49 PM, Michael Fields <michael at mfields.org> wrote:
> Hi
> I have been helping out someone with xhtml validation in the forums. The
> thread is here:
> http://wordpress.org/support/topic/175737?replies=9#post-758113
> I needed to illustrate to him that his <br> tags needed to be terminated to
> validate <br />. Problem is that the content within the backticks is being
> filtered as xhtml and corrected. I cannot type <br> and have it display as
> such as it will be changed to <br />. Is there any way that this can be
> fixed??? IMO it is very important that we be able to post invalid xhtml as
> code in the forums. Most times it is the only way to illustrate where
> someone has made a mistake.
> Also on this thread: http://wordpress.org/support/topic/175483?replies=5 I
> tried to illustrate how Wordpress would filter text entered into the
> post_content textarea - I typed both <br />  and <p> tags into backticks,
> but I think they were rendered as html instead of code.
> Any help here would be great!!!
> Thanks,
> -Mike
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