[wp-forums] resolved

Michael Torbert mrtorbert at gmail.com
Tue May 6 18:57:23 GMT 2008


Thank you for replying.  I'll be sure to mark threads with modlook in the
future if they contain spam or if it needs a moderator to look at it.
Thank you for the time you spend.  It certainly is appreciated.  I'm happy
to help out as well where I can.


Please add the tag "modlook" if you believe a post is spam or needs direct
I and several others monitor a feed from that tag. Any you're right -- they
don't benefit as all URLs are nofollowed. :-) But it's good to get that crap

As for the resolved... Some of us used to dabble with marking 'em resolved.
What happens is that sometimes the Original Poster doesn't agree -- but has
no way to "un-resolve" his thread.  They get mad or even write flaming blog
posts about how idiotic the moderators are (yeah, sadly I'm serious).

As you've noticed, there are many cases where the OP asks their question,
someone answers and it ends.  We don't really know if that answer was the
right one or not...

When the OP responds back and says he's all fixed we (not just mods) should
probably get in the habit of then asking *them* to mark it as resolved.

Great thoughts and thanks for being a contributor and helper. We need more!

HandySolo / Chris

On Mon, May 5, 2008 at 1:47 AM, Michael Torbert <mrtorbert at gmail.com> wrote:

> As an active contributor to the WordPress forums, I certainly appreciate
> the
> work that the moderators do for those with questions.  Having said that,
> I've come to realize that the "resolved" functionality is pretty much
> useless.  Thread starters almost never mark their thread as resolved once
> it
> is.  This makes viewing only unresolved threads a waste of time, as many
> are
> long since resolved.
> Though I recognize the time and effort that the mods put in to monitoring
> and assisting, it would be helpful if they'd briefly review threads to
> mark
> them as resolved as needed.  Also, I've noticed a recent rise in spam
> posts
> (I can't see that this actually accomplishes anything useful to the
> spammer)
> and it would be nice if a moderator would remove these.
> Of course I realize that it may be a little much to expect mods to be
> completely aware of every single post in all the categories at all times.
> To assist with this, it would be nice to have "report as spam" and "report
> as resolved" or something to that effect for us non-mod contributors to
> use
> so that at least they'd have something to look for.

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