[wp-forums] Changing things

Podz podz at tamba2.org.uk
Sat Sep 2 15:40:48 GMT 2006

Handy wrote:

>> I may be the only one thinking this, but since the forum software dumps
> current threads to the main page I have to confess I hardly ever even
> notice
> what topic the post is in.  Ok, not hardly ever.  Never,  In fact, I just
> went to look to see what the the topics currently are as I had no clue
> /blush
> And as long as there's that big ol' list on the main page and the filter
> for
> unanswered threads, I don't really seeing that change.
I never liked tags but then I grew to like them .... I do like the
individual ones as I steer clear of the Themes forum. I prefer Installation.

> How about we dump "Requests and Feedback"?  Not like we have developers
> lurking about in hopes of finding new features to code.   I'd dump Beta
> too,
> personally.  At least until there's active beta testing going on.
I'd agree about Beta. The release schedule and testing has changed
enough - it's also quite new (though it was a resurrection)
Requests - my guess is we will always get them and it does house
relevant topics it seems?

> I like the FAQ idea, but probably not per Topic as we run the risk of being
> "fractured" or wrestling with duplication or categorization.  But chasing
> down all the FAQs in the Codex and combining to one FAQ page could be cool.
> Then we could then respond to posts with, "See the [[FAQ]], section X" and
> save a lot of typing / retyping  ;-)
Can FAQ's get so big as to become daunting for a newbie?

> I'd volunteer to work on something like that in a month or so when paid
> work
> slows down.
Excellent - who else wants to join ?


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