[wp-forums] Changing things

Handy handy.solo at gmail.com
Sat Sep 2 13:13:01 GMT 2006

On 9/2/06, Podz <podz at tamba2.org.uk> wrote:
> 8< snip
> For me it comes down to this:
> - how can we improve the running of the forum?
> - how can we improve information for new users in the forum?
> and then, when we have our house in order, we can look at the other
> issues. Right now there are issues we can get sorted and it's not fair
> we point outside of our influence when we need to tidy things up..
> If the forum were new, and the forum names were set what would we do
> different?
> I may be the only one thinking this, but since the forum software dumps
current threads to the main page I have to confess I hardly ever even notice
what topic the post is in.  Ok, not hardly ever.  Never,  In fact, I just
went to look to see what the the topics currently are as I had no clue
And as long as there's that big ol' list on the main page and the filter for
unanswered threads, I don't really seeing that change.

How about we dump "Requests and Feedback"?  Not like we have developers
lurking about in hopes of finding new features to code.   I'd dump Beta too,
personally.  At least until there's active beta testing going on.

I like the FAQ idea, but probably not per Topic as we run the risk of being
"fractured" or wrestling with duplication or categorization.  But chasing
down all the FAQs in the Codex and combining to one FAQ page could be cool.
Then we could then respond to posts with, "See the [[FAQ]], section X" and
save a lot of typing / retyping  ;-)

I'd volunteer to work on something like that in a month or so when paid work
slows down.

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