[wp-forums] Two profiles, one member?

Petit petit at petitpub.com
Mon May 22 22:17:24 GMT 2006

Christopher J. Hradil wrote:
> I think that some of the recent notes about this particular situation raise
> a bigger issue. I'm reasonably new to the wordpress "community", although I
> have been using wordpress and a number of other open source packages for a
> number of years for many many paying clients. I don't expect the wordpress
> forums or community to be the place to drum up business, and as we've seen
> with this one individual he might well be an extreme example of "breaking
> rules". 
> Now, granted, many of you don't really know me that well if at all at this
> point, but I have a "personal style" in terms of the way I do things, and
> that's just how it is. My personal website addy will stay in my profile,
> I'll offer help via email, I'll offer to do what I can (and have time to) to
> help folks out. Now technically according to the "rules" which I read before
> ever signing up or making any posts, here are a few examples of my own
> "violations":
> here's one, I'm going to install WP, Xoops and mediawiki for the guy this
> afternoon, it should take about a half an hour, he'll be happy and hopefully
> pass on the word about the software he's using or help someone else down the
> line. 
> http://wordpress.org/support/topic/73225?replies=3
> another - he emailed the files, was missing a couple of ;'s in his css file,
> problem solved. 
> http://wordpress.org/support/topic/73242?replies=5
> another - ran his css through topStyle pro and linked the report - 
> http://wordpress.org/support/topic/73183?replies=5
> another - ditto above 
> http://wordpress.org/support/topic/73123?replies=8
> another - added third column to his theme, and posted a sample with original
> theme - 
> http://wordpress.org/support/topic/72790?replies=14
> http://www.hradil.us/sandbox/wp/
Christopher, I didn't see any violation of the rules in your support.
Of course, when you ask people to send you stuff, that you sort out on a 
one to one basis, we'll miss the fedback to the thread on th solution.
One good source of help in the forum, is when people come back and 
present solutions.
Nothing in the way you give help violates the rules and standards, as 
far as I can tell.

The guy discussed in this tread and other people discussed earlier for 
blocking or other harsh (?) treatment usually are charcterized by:
o Not giving any help or asking questions
o Constantly returning with empty postings
o Making sure to link back to their ( often business oriented ) site.

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