[wp-forums] Two profiles, one member?

Lara at Anubis Marketing lara at anubismarketing.com
Mon May 22 22:42:00 GMT 2006

Well said, Petit - 

It's not always the fact that "someone" wants to go off the forums.
(Although it's much nicer when it's someone with that certain "good
reputation" Podz mentioned earlier...) We've all done it, especially when
sensitive info like passwords and FTP info is in need of sharing, and in
fact I once had Podz help me outside of the forums with something I'd posted
about INSIDE, and when we were done, he said "Okay, now YOU go post the
solution. ;)" Of course, I'd already done it, but the point is that the
people we help offline usually won't. So it's up to us, those with the
ability to make "fixes" or solve problems, to make sure that the path to
success is detailed in a reply to the original thread, even if we solved it
outside the forums or by obtaining additional info from the original poster.
It just makes sense since we are always telling people to use the search
feature that they be able to find completed and resolved issues there. And
it also sort of "proves" to everyone and anyone who reads that thread that
we're not out to gain something financially by helping people who use the
forums seeking help. :)

~ Lara

Christopher, I didn't see any violation of the rules in your support.
Of course, when you ask people to send you stuff, that you sort out on a one
to one basis, we'll miss the fedback to the thread on th solution.
One good source of help in the forum, is when people come back and present
Nothing in the way you give help violates the rules and standards, as far as
I can tell.

The guy discussed in this tread and other people discussed earlier for
blocking or other harsh (?) treatment usually are charcterized by:
o Not giving any help or asking questions o Constantly returning with empty
postings o Making sure to link back to their ( often business oriented )

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