[wp-forums] Two profiles, one member?

Lara at Anubis Marketing lara at anubismarketing.com
Mon May 22 20:26:57 GMT 2006


My point is, there's a gray area, and while it's true the support forums
aren't the place for folks like we've discussed today,expecting that folks
don't use resources like personal servers and email to help others out seems
a bit ridiculous, when the real issue is controlling the spammers/scammers,
etc. I for one will either continue doing things the way I do them, or I'll
spend my time supporting a project where I can make a real contribution,
without worrying about every link I post. 

<<< You're right, there is a gray area - and while it's completely
understandable that people will want to make genuinely helpful
contributions, and they should be allowed to do so, it's insanely difficult
to know who's "okay" to give your info to and who isn't. THAT's why this has
become an issue I think. You have to keep in mind that Joe Schmoe might not
know when he comes to the forums that the person he's talking to is NOT paid
to be helping him... There have been debates on this before where people
thought that those who helped them were paid, and as we all know, that's
untrue. But the general "newbie" might not have a clue. THAT's why everyone
is asked to provide help directly on the forums whenever possible (even if
it "takes longer") as opposed to offering up their "services" under private
conversations (even if they're "free").

Food for thought - I know that there's a "pro" mailing list, and the purpose
of that list is to support those seeking "professional" help... <snip>
Professional thread...


<<< The can of worms would come in with bidding wars, or "don't listen to
XXXX, they have no idea about YYYY and I do because ZZZZ" I can see it
now... *sigh*
I know that I for one can see through a slimebag (my favorite word) and will
NOT let some innocent person be jaded or screwed over if I can help it. But
the last time I stood up to someone, suddenly my business site was getting
all these hacking attempts. I'm so NOT in favor of this, it's not funny.


...it seems on the surface obsurd to me
that anyone suggest Lara or anyone else for that matter "remove" a specific
address from their profile, never mind asking someone who could actually
know something about a topic not to talk about it. It just doesn't make

<<< It was when I was complaining about hyperactive (designpastor's original
alter ego) that it was asked of me to remove my business address, since I
was complaining about someone having their business address. I did so
willingly, and with complete understanding. I'm not upset about it - I only
get upset when other people who do the things that this guy is doing, appear
to get sympathy or leeway... That's all. It's not that big a deal, I was
just trying to prove to a small number of people that I was NOT in the
forums for "link juice" is all. I think I've proven it by now, at least I
hope I have... :) From what I understand, I'm free to use any site I choose,
although during the first instance with DP/HM, it was to make a clear point.
And the reason for not talking SEO is that the forums are for WP support,
not for general SEO, CSS, HTML, or PHP support (unless it directly relates
to WP and it's capabilities or functions). I'm okay with that too - with the
occassional exception, of course. ;)

~ Lara

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