[wp-forums] the free thing again

Petit petit at petitpub.com
Fri May 19 06:38:14 GMT 2006

Podz wrote:
> Petit wrote:
>> Jesse S wrote:
>>> Looks good. A couple of things:
>>>   - "We will install WordPress to your website into a directory called
>>>   'wordpress'"- does that mean we don't do root, or /blog, or 
>>> anything? I
>>>   remember there being a discussion about this, but I seem to have 
>>> missed the
>>>   resolution. 
>> Mmm.. I tried to rise that question, but as I remember it, with 
>> mumbling response.
>> I thought, that it makes no difference whatever the directory is called.
>> I might be wrong though - I haven't made that many installs.
> (I hope the above formats better when it comes through)
> As far as I recall - and I may be wrong and the purpose of doing the 
> blog demo was to get all these things rediscussed and finalised - it 
> was for clarity. Do they want /blog /wordpress /root  etc. Of course 
> what we  say and what we do can and would probably be different - but 
> I'd like to set my own rules within what is agreed - They say "I know 
> it says /wordpress but could you do /blog?" and I'd say yes. They say 
> "I know it says /wordpress but can you do root?" and I look and see a 
> godforsaken hell of every file you can imagine then I'd quite like to 
> be able to say "I'm sorry..I can't...".
> P.
> I certainly see yur point there, loud and clear :9

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