[wp-forums] the free thing again

Jesse S jesse at resiny.org
Fri May 19 00:19:29 GMT 2006

I can definitely see where your coming from. What about offering the
directory of their choise?

That way they can do /blog, /wordpress, /wp, /whateverthehecktheywant, and
we don't have to worry about the situation you mentioned, though if someone
pretty-please begged to install it in the root of an empty web site, I'd be
ok with making an exception

On 5/18/06, Podz <podz at tamba2.org.uk> wrote:
> <snip>
> (I hope the above formats better when it comes through)
> As far as I recall - and I may be wrong and the purpose of doing the
> blog demo was to get all these things rediscussed and finalised - it was
> for clarity. Do they want /blog /wordpress /root  etc. Of course what we
>   say and what we do can and would probably be different - but I'd like
> to set my own rules within what is agreed - They say "I know it says
> /wordpress but could you do /blog?" and I'd say yes. They say "I know it
> says /wordpress but can you do root?" and I look and see a godforsaken
> hell of every file you can imagine then I'd quite like to be able to say
> "I'm sorry..I can't...".
> P.
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