[wp-forums] Building better.

spencerp spencerp1 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 7 20:42:14 GMT 2006

[Mark wrote>
Some users do not - that's always the case.
Thing to bear in mind:
- the % of people who visit the domain every day and 'do not search' is very very small. It has to be.
- sometimes it's the language / terminology they are using or we use.

They aren't stupid and they have searched - they just happen to be using different words.
- are you collating any common features of these requests?

And most importantly of all - a question is only difficult if you do
not know the answer therefore an answer is easy if you do have it. (I am resisting the urge to do a Rumsfekd here...) ]

Oh yeah,.. I'll have to agree with this too. ;) :)  I know there is others out there, that might be using different terminology.. Sometimes, even after they had said they had done a search, and couldn't find anything.. I'll do one myself, and post the link for it, or, post a Codex link, or what not.. 

I guess it just comes down to, having a little patience.. ;) :)


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