[wp-forums] Who is vkaryl?

Handy handy.solo at gmail.com
Tue Aug 15 02:37:02 GMT 2006

Well, you probably don't know me either.  :-)  But I'm a mod too.
Vkaryl's been a mod a LOT longer than I have, for what that's worth.

I'll agree that that thread isn't the best example of how things could be,
but I kinda (respectfully!) doubt all the complaints you've received in the
last few weeks have been about Vkaryl.  She's not been around enough lately
for that!

On 8/14/06, Matt Mullenweg <m at mullenweg.com> wrote:
> Who is vkaryl, and is he/she on this list?
> I've gotten 3 different people email me through different methods in the
> past few weeks complaining about moderators on the support forums. Each
> time it was vkaryl, but I figured the person had a ton of posts so some
> were bound to rub people the wrong way.
> Today I get two more complaints, and I come across this thread which is
> pretty hostile:
> http://wordpress.org/support/topic/83439
> If there's one characteristic we need in moderators, it's people who can
> calm the flames, not blow them higher. I didn't make this person a mod,
> and Podz is going on vacation, so what do you folks think is the best
> course of action?
> --
> Matt Mullenweg
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