[wp-forums] Who is vkaryl?

Petit petit at petitpub.com
Tue Aug 15 04:59:05 GMT 2006

I have seen a lot of vkaryl, some in the forum and some in this list.
I tend to disagree with you Matt. She use to refer to herself as a "bitch",
but I don't find her bitchy in any serious sense of the word.
I'd rather call it self irony, because she bites when bitten.

If you take the semantic mean value of what she writes in that thread,
I think you will agree that she gives some well founded arguments, and
is rather helpful and polite.

IMHO that is of course ;)


Handy wrote:
> Well, you probably don't know me either.  :-)  But I'm a mod too.
> Vkaryl's been a mod a LOT longer than I have, for what that's worth.
> I'll agree that that thread isn't the best example of how things could 
> be,
> but I kinda (respectfully!) doubt all the complaints you've received 
> in the
> last few weeks have been about Vkaryl.  She's not been around enough 
> lately
> for that!
> On 8/14/06, Matt Mullenweg <m at mullenweg.com> wrote:
>> Who is vkaryl, and is he/she on this list?
>> I've gotten 3 different people email me through different methods in the
>> past few weeks complaining about moderators on the support forums. Each
>> time it was vkaryl, but I figured the person had a ton of posts so some
>> were bound to rub people the wrong way.
>> Today I get two more complaints, and I come across this thread which is
>> pretty hostile:
>> http://wordpress.org/support/topic/83439
>> If there's one characteristic we need in moderators, it's people who can
>> calm the flames, not blow them higher. I didn't make this person a mod,
>> and Podz is going on vacation, so what do you folks think is the best
>> course of action?

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