[wp-forums] "reply to the thread & 'slimebags' "

Michael E. Hancock mhancock at us.net
Fri Apr 21 13:19:02 GMT 2006

From: "Lara @ Anubis Marketing" <lara at anubismarketing.com>

> Okay, so first, I'd like to apologize for not "replying within the thread"
> however I guess I'm not sure how to do that, since that's what I was
> to do, but obviously failed. Please enlighten me on how to do that, when I
> get the digest in an email that says "wp-forums Digest, Vol 11, Issue 34"
> and hitting "reply" just puts "Re:" in front of that. I've tried to change
> the subject to match the same as the thread, with the "Re:" in place if
> already there, but apparently that's not working either.

I believe the Digest option is the problem.

Try visiting: http://lists.automattic.com/mailman/options/wp-forums and
after logging in, change the Set Digest Mode to Off.


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