[wp-forums] "reply to the thread & 'slimebags' "

Lara at Anubis Marketing lara at anubismarketing.com
Fri Apr 21 12:57:57 GMT 2006

Okay, so first, I'd like to apologize for not "replying within the thread"
however I guess I'm not sure how to do that, since that's what I was trying
to do, but obviously failed. Please enlighten me on how to do that, when I
get the digest in an email that says "wp-forums Digest, Vol 11, Issue 34"
and hitting "reply" just puts "Re:" in front of that. I've tried to change
the subject to match the same as the thread, with the "Re:" in place if it's
already there, but apparently that's not working either.
And on the note of calling other volunteers slime bags. Bottom line is that
I call them like I see them. I've had an email conversation with him, as
well as having watched him do some very slime-baggy things over the past
month. I don't see someone writing a plugin with the "angle" that it has to
be downloaded from their commercial services site as being "slime-baggy" -
that plugin author is offering VALID FREE HELP and has established a
presence both online and in the forums by that point that makes them
trustworthy to someone who is new to the forums, just as much as to someone
who's been there a while.  So what if they happen to get some paid work out
of it later on because someone browsed their site? (Someone using a search
engine to search for that plugin would've found his whole site anyway.)
They've established themselves in many ways beforehand, and don't resort to
sneakiness to get that work. The create something and put it out there for
the world to take for free - I give much more credit to that person than to
someone who does the things that hyperactive does. Hell, I give MORE credit
if the plugin author offers support for his plugin over one that doesn't!

Truth is that this guy and his motives are as thin and transparent as
plastic wrap. I feel sorry for anyone who can't see that. As Podz pointed
out in one thread - take a look at this guy in the wayback machine or Google
him. I'm here to say, you WILL be amazed at what you find.

I'm done with the topic at this point, because I've found that I'm repeating
myself - and it's exhausting to me to stand up for what I feel is right,
when it amounts to nothing more than standing in a picket line and chanting.
I've said my peace, and so have others - and I've said nothing here that I
haven't said directly to him, either. So my conscience is clear, and I don't
retract a thing - I'm just not up for an argument with "people are
inherently good natured" type retorts, because they're not, especially when
the opportunity to make money is involved.

~ Lara (ladydelaluna)


"I see people calling other volunteers slime bags, as if they know with no
uncertainty that the person is completely malicious, that they have no
desire to actually help another user.  Perhaps they have an angle, but if
everyone that had an angle volunteering in the forums, or writing plugins,
designing themes, contributing code were excluded from participating, the
community would be quite small."

"Also, if at all possible, and it might just be me, but if you can reply
within the thread, it would be helpful to follow along to the previous
comments, rather than start a new thread."

~Michael B

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