[wp-forums] topic resolved/unresolved: failed concept?

Podz podz at tamba2.org.uk
Sun Sep 18 08:08:45 GMT 2005

Michael B wrote:
> If the forum cleanup were to transpire, it might be a way of finding 
> common questions, or commonly unanswered questions, that could lead to 
> the new stickies I recently saw solicited.
> Just throwing out ideas. 

Caught :)

Good idea !
I definitely think this is worth going for and I'll fit with anyone else 
who fancies picking a date/time to have a blitz. Or if you come across 
any then just post a list here and I'll get at them as well.
I think the Resolved/Unresolved is still a good idea but obviously 
relying on the OP coming back isn't such a hot idea, and we are going to 
have to make assumptions.

Something slightly different:
What I have noticed is people using the Search, finding an OLD thread 
then on the bottom of that saying "I'm having the same problem - can 
someone help ?".
I have seen a 1.5.x issue tacked onto a 1.2 thread.
I've seen that on the bottom of threads which have multiple problems.
I said something ages ago about maybe closing threads with a
"This thread appears to be resolved. If the OP (actual name) needs this 
thread reopened, please email a maven. If you have similar problems 
which this and other threads do not resolve, please start a fresh thread 
  referencing any posts you have found and giving lots of detail" and 
then closing the thread.
That's very wordy, but can you see the intent ? Is that worth looking at ?

As for stickies - they can be about /anything/
Just write the post, point me at it and I'll sticky it while releasing 
the previous one. It's not something to be precious about or something 
we need to be careful about each word - just information which is better 


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