[wp-forums] topic resolved/unresolved: failed concept?

Scott Merrill skippy at skippy.net
Sun Sep 18 12:20:48 GMT 2005

Podz wrote:
> Michael B wrote:
>> If the forum cleanup were to transpire, it might be a way of finding 
>> common questions, or commonly unanswered questions, that could lead to 
>> the new stickies I recently saw solicited.
>> Just throwing out ideas. 
> Caught :)
> Good idea !


> I definitely think this is worth going for and I'll fit with anyone else 
> who fancies picking a date/time to have a blitz. Or if you come across 
> any then just post a list here and I'll get at them as well.

I'll help as I can, too.

> "This thread appears to be resolved. If the OP (actual name) needs this 
> thread reopened, please email a maven. If you have similar problems 
> which this and other threads do not resolve, please start a fresh thread 
>  referencing any posts you have found and giving lots of detail" and 
> then closing the thread.

That sounds fine.

skippy at skippy.net | http://skippy.net/

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