Re: [wp-forums] Stickies on front page

tg at tg at
Mon Aug 15 17:12:01 GMT 2005

Do stickies ever become unstuck? What I would hate to see as a side
effect of this is that everysticky ever made fill the entire front
page.  Which then means either you only display certain stickies, or
they drop after a certain age (at what age would that happen) or
someone has to go unsticky it when it's no longer a viable sticky (but
then it's going to fall within the individual forum it's in.) An
alternative is a fourm sticky vs a global sticky. Where the forum
sticky would be sticky in their respective forum section, and only
global stickies would get stuck on the front page.

Just a thought.


Lorelle VanFossen <lorelle at> wrote on 08/15/2005,
02:36:04 PM:
> For issues like the 1.5.2 version, is it possible to add stickies so 
> they stick to the top of the front page? This would save the constant 
> "forced bumping" to make sure it stays up and visible.  Also, when the 
> upgrade instructions scrolled off, I went looking. I started in 
> Installation and eventually found it in How To. Having something this 
> important stuck to the top of the front page list would eliminate the 
> hunt and help everyone.
> Lorelle
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