Re: [wp-forums] Saying "Thanks"

tg at tg at
Mon Aug 15 17:08:01 GMT 2005

I came across the same thing as well.... maybe it should only be looking
at unresolved itmes that are marked as a support issue.

It is handy though.... it's amazing the number of things that easily
slip by.


Podz <podz at> wrote on 08/15/2005, 11:05:29 AM:
> Looking through the 'no replies' list, there are a significant  number 
> of posts that actually need no reply. For instance:
> "I'm just sharing a method to go around the Blix's problem of unable to 
> display the links according to their own categories instead of putting 
> everything together into one category under, Links
> Here is the guide,
> Any feedback, please email me at my contact page. Thanks. "
> Perfectly good post, doesn't need a reply - except that we asked for 
> this feature so we could try and not let items slip.
> Although I'm not a fan of bland gratuities, I can see a case for us to 
> post a "Thank you" or "I'm sure that will be useful" or something else 
> that hopefully is nice but which takes these posts out of this list.
> Thoughts ?
> P.
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