Eirlymeyer eirlymeyer at aol.com
Thu Sep 25 12:26:11 GMT 2008

I'm seeking some emergency support in fixing a 500 Internal Server Error Issue, as well as finding out the root cause of this issue so that it will never happen again.  
I'd like to directly connect with a expert programmer so that I can get this situation solved.  I woke to find my site like this & do not know how or why this could happen.  
Host can't help, as Wordpress is 3rd party to them, and Wordpress.com can't help because it's Hosted. What do I do?  So, it's a Catch22 here.   

Hosted Wordpress Site Version: 2.6
Host:  Midphase.com
File Path: /home/***/public_html/***site***.com/.htaccess

I woke to have my site with a 500 Internal Server Error. I contacted my host & they stated 2 issues:  1.)  An issue with writing to the .htaccess file & 2.) cpanel error log says that the line "UEST_FILENAME} !-d" has a spelling mistake. 

It has the following when writing to the file:
 # BEGIN WordPress

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>

RewriteEngine On

RewriteBase /

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d

RewriteRule . /index.php [L]


# END WordPress


RewriteRule . /index.php [L]


# END WordPress

Also, there is the cpanel error log says that the line "UEST_FILENAME} !-d" has a spelling mistake.

1.  What is the line supposed to say?
2.  Can someone help me fix this issue?
3.  How can I find out the root cause of this problem to not get this issue again?

Any support & assistance will be greatly appreciated.  
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