[wp-pro] Next-Gen Gallery Slideshow customization

Téa Brennan tea at linkartist.com.au
Fri Aug 8 06:21:48 GMT 2008

Hi all,

I am looking for a programmer proficient enough in Actionscript to  
customise the JW Image Rotator to show the navigation at the bottom  
with customized buttons. I am using NextGen Gallery to power it, and  
everything else is fine, but the client has insisted on having the  
navigation underneath the images. Unfortunately I go cross-eyed with  
anything beyond intermediate Actionscript, so I need someone who is  
available pretty quickly (ie, NOW) to get this done for me.

When you reply I will give you the link and the source files so that  
you can quote. The important thing is that it gets done right. If  
thee's noone on the list that can do this, feel free to forward it to  
any Flash folks that can.



Téa Brennan
LinkArtist Multimedia

Ph (AUS): (08) 9467 2217
Ph (US): (818) 921 7045

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