[wp-pro] WordPress designer?

Adam Nott juggernott at hotmail.com
Tue May 9 17:45:25 GMT 2006

Hey everyone,
I'm new to the world of WordPress, I admit.  I was advised to use this mailing list to hopefully find someone who might be interested in helping our 'company' (I guess you could call it that) get set up with WordPress.  I mean our budget is small, but not nonexistent.  I've never needed to get a designer before, so I'm not sure what to expect in terms of cost.  I know most of the things that we're looking to do are simple plugins, but my colleagues and I get lost in the world of XHTML and PHP.  We know HTML quite well, but we don't have the time or the patience to learn all that is WordPress.  The site is essentially going to be a group of about 5 or 6 journalists who will all write editorials, columns, reviews, etc. at their leisure.  The idea is that we'll all have our own section but that our postings can be placed into the different categories as well.  In this way, people, for example, could simply jump to the reviews section and have a look at all the reviews, regardless of author.  In addition to our main section of 'actual writings', each author would need his or her own 'informal blog' page where can post whatever we like.  Anyway, here are the basics of what we're looking for:- a 3 column site with a grey or blackish type of luck.  The rest of the colours are yours to decide, but nothing ridiculous I suppose
- a banner at the top with horizontal links (I'd say about 8-10 or so) underneath.
- a unique index page that will contain the following: in the middle column, 2 main 'sections' - one being a 'site news' section that will give the newest site news posting, and the second section containing short tidbits of 3 or 4 of the newest postings (in any category)
- a sidebar (right or left I suppose?) with a picture of each main writer and a link to their 3 or 4 newest articles listed in a format like this: 06/23/06 - "Title of Article"
- we want the entire site to be open to new comments on every posting and basically for the site to be fully automated.  By that we basically mean that we want to be able to post our newest article to the appropriate sections and have it update automatically on the main page, the sidebar, etc.
Basically, the design can be your brainchild if you're into this kind of thing.  We've got people who are totally capable of doing the images, so it's really just the coding and implementing that's important more than anything.  The theme entitled "fluidity" in 3 column mode is very similar to what we were thinking, but maybe a bit more difference in the colouring?  Like I said, it's free reign to have some fun.  As for the other column, it will eventually be google ads or something along those lines, but for now I'm sure we could find something to toss into there.
I hope there's someone out there who likes to do this type of thing because we are getting desperate!  Aside from our small amount of funding, I've also got a 256 MB (woohoo I know haha) MP3 player that I can toss in for who ever wants to help us out.  It's never been opened and if anything it can at least work as a decent USB drive for documents and the like?  And, heck if you're opinionated, you're more than welcome to join the team of writers once you're done.  Thanks for your time everyone, and I hope to hear from someone soon!
- Adam Nott
juggernott at hotmail.com
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