[wp-forums] Is There a Forum To-Do List (and can I help?)

it's EMG its.emg at gmail.com
Fri May 9 11:35:19 UTC 2014

Related to my earlier question re: tagging threads and tags used for

(Thanks for the information by the way; I didn't want to be tagging
things only to find out they were/are going to conflict with other tags
that are in use but for a different purpose.)

Being that I am mostly off my feet for at least another month owing to a
work-related foot injury, I am planning to hopefully spend more time on the

One of the things I was thinking of doing (inspired by another conversation
about tagging non-tagged threads with appropriate theme or plugin tags and
the like) was doing some 'gardening' (which I'm kind of already doing).

Specifically, go through the forums and - especially for the threads
landing in the wrong forums or threads not tagged correctly or tagged at
all - do some tag-gardening to help with forum organization while I'm
answering the questions I can.

Would this be a good idea?  Given how - everywhere - questions are being
posted (sometimes and frequently not quite the right places which lowers a
thread's visibility to the right people), I thought it could be useful.

That said, in general, if there is a Forum To-Do list that is being worked
on, is there anything in particular I can help with?

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