[wp-forums] Unbozo'd

Jan Dembowski jan at dembowski.net
Sun Feb 16 14:12:49 UTC 2014

On Sun, Feb 16, 2014 at 8:56 AM, andrew nevins wrote:

> Does there need to be a rule in the guidelines about something before a
> moderator recommends/ doesn't recommend it? I just "enforced" someone not
> to criticise forum volunteers' supportive responses unless they are
> detrimental to the OP. That's not in the forum welcome.

IMHO the welcome is to be welcoming and not so much as rules. They
*are*kinda rules and moderators do refer to them but the name was a
good choice.

*Drinks more coffee*

Sometimes you'll see members criticize or just be plain rude in reply and
it's fine to caution them about the Wil Wheaton Rule (which I don't think
is in the forum welcome but may be [yep, not enough coffee]). I don't think
there needs to be much more than this link.


Or even this link if the member really is having a bad day.


If you think some additional text should be there (or I missed the Don't Be
a You Know What) the welcome can be updated with your suggestion.

> Nor should I think it be, because the forum welcome is not for volunteers
> but for the ones
> asking for help.

It's for both. Some support volunteers get aggressive and need to be
reminded about the welcome from time to time. ;)

Jan Dembowski

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