[wp-forums] The "moderator" hat

andrew nevins andrew.nevins.misc at gmail.com
Thu Apr 24 18:04:16 UTC 2014

Can I ask, what happens when people don't create their own threads? Do you
let the OP know that it is fine if he/she can start a new thread? I think
what we are trying to do in the majority of cases is to keep threads on the
no-replies list, and by telling people that you do have to sacrifice the
thread you're in to save other threads.

It's not always clear when should moderators not moderate, and I know there
are not clear-cut guidelines for this, but I would definitely benefit from
being told what's not okay and when (before it gets to this stage on the
mailing list).

On Thu, Apr 24, 2014 at 6:45 PM, Otto <otto at ottodestruct.com> wrote:

> Also, while we're having this conversation, can we lighten up on the whole
> "Please start your own thread" thing?
> Okay, yes, they should start a new thread. But seeing that exact same stock
> reply 8 times in the same thread isn't helping anybody.
> Let it go. Just ignore them and focus on providing help to the original
> poster. Eventually, the person butting into your thread will either go away
> and start their own, or shut up, or maybe even help out. It's fine. Ignore
> it.
> It's also not a great intro to the forums for somebody to make their first
> post and invariably get told that they asked the question in the wrong
> manner. They'll figure it out, we don't need to stock-reply everybody to
> death.
> As moderators, let's focus on cutting out the spam and keeping
> general order, and helping as many people as possible. These are
> support forums, if you're making a post that isn't somehow providing
> support, you probably should not be making it.
> -Otto
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