[wp-forums] The "moderator" hat

Otto otto at ottodestruct.com
Thu Apr 24 17:45:49 UTC 2014

Also, while we're having this conversation, can we lighten up on the whole
"Please start your own thread" thing?

Okay, yes, they should start a new thread. But seeing that exact same stock
reply 8 times in the same thread isn't helping anybody.

Let it go. Just ignore them and focus on providing help to the original
poster. Eventually, the person butting into your thread will either go away
and start their own, or shut up, or maybe even help out. It's fine. Ignore

It's also not a great intro to the forums for somebody to make their first
post and invariably get told that they asked the question in the wrong
manner. They'll figure it out, we don't need to stock-reply everybody to

As moderators, let's focus on cutting out the spam and keeping
general order, and helping as many people as possible. These are
support forums, if you're making a post that isn't somehow providing
support, you probably should not be making it.


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