[wp-forums] keeping an eye on this guy

Mr mist listswpforum at mist.org.uk
Fri Sep 3 18:51:54 UTC 2010

In message <52F684BF-C17A-4C6F-AAF0-0205E6D332D3 at gmail.com>, Michael B 
<miklb.online at gmail.com> writes
>Just curious, is this discussion going down a road of deciding that 
>only free, /extend plugins can be linked to from the forums?

I think that would always be a preference from a starting point of a 
free project.  Of course there's probably cases where the commercial 
plugin is the right answer, but surely they are the minority?

What I was more getting at though is the sort of posts where people just 
stick a link in, with nothing else.  That's essentially just spam posing 
as an answer, and oftentimes the plugins have nothing to do with the 
question, even.


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