[wp-forums] Forum moderation

Podz podz at tamba2.org.uk
Sat Jul 1 23:46:35 GMT 2006

wordpress forums wrote:
 >> - we can't have mods worrying about using their judgement. Things like
>> this on the list are enough of a reminder of not just how we should act
>> but also the scrutiny we are put under.
> I need clarification on this. Are you saying there that you dont want
> mods to "worry" per say about doing something thats percieved as "not
> cool" (to use a light term). Or are you saying that you dont want mods
> to have to think about what they are doing before they act? I
> certainly hope its the first?
> I would rather see mods do both: think and not do things largely
> percieved as not cool. And not to kick a dead horse, but i think my 2
> examples are examples of what not to do.

First. and second :)
I think if something is just plain out of order it should be nuked. Just
kill it off. (that's the second bit)
The first is what you have said. Mods aren't there to be cool, be liked,
have a nice label etc. We are there for a purpose - to keep the place
clean and smooth running. So when there is something to take a second
look at we need to be sure we can justify it to ourselves AND others in
just the same way that if others are asking for a change you would agree
to that before acting.
That said - and I've done it more than once - we all could do better at
times (which is not a comment on this thread's origin). But that is how
I see it.


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