[wp-forums] We need to be friendly.

Podz podz at tamba2.org.uk
Sun Apr 16 09:12:05 GMT 2006

Michael B wrote:
> I recently had the need to use Apple's forum. They have a system that allows
> the OP to mark a post as helpful, or solved.  The thread then gets an icon
> to signify the status.  Points are awarded to posters for adding good
> replies. 5 for helpful, 10 for solved.  Points are accumulated, and a level
> is given based on point totals.  I haven't the faintest what the level does,
> other than give new posters a chance to see who's been there longest posting
> relavent answers.

I'm with Phu on this. My reasons are:
- we will have people posting just to get the points so there is a 
chance we will get dilution of threads
- the OP may miss the most helpful answer going for the one they 
understand instead. They may not be the same.
- Levels.... right now, I think that having a label other than Member 
automatically gives weight to your words (no matter what they are on). 
Given the numbers of mods / members I think that is more of a 
responsibility than a 'badge'
- and I also think labels can equal arrogance. Poster with lots of stars 
(or whatever) could act negatively and yet the system will have no way 
of knocking things down.

It _would_ be good to help users by search and us pointing them at good 
threads, and it _would_ be good to acknowledge users who are 
consistently helpful. Given the community nature and broad scope I 
cannot think of a system though. Arguably, the flat level of the forum 
already encourages posters and regardless of quality answers - as good 
as they are - we need people to come in and come back.


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