[wp-docs] printed version?

Michael E. Hancock mhancock at us.net
Tue Jul 12 21:28:58 GMT 2005

From: "Michael B" <miklb.online at gmail.com>
> Was poking around recently and just discovered the site www.lulu.com,
> and wondered if there had already been any discussion of taking the
> most pertinent info from the codex and making a printed version
> available.  Doesn't seem there would be any out of pocket expenses,
> and might be something the new blogger might want to possess, not to
> mention, even the dedicated user to have around as reference as well.
> I'm actually assuming it's already been discussed, but being new to
> the mail list, thought I'd ask.


Based on the discussions on the hackers email list regarding the GPL
license, it seems there's nothing to stop you from creating (and even
selling) a book compiled from Codex.

 I'm sure new users of WordPress would thank you for creating something like
you suggest.

Michael E. Hancock

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