[wpmu-trac] [WordPress MU Trac] #458: Proposal for wp_blogmeta table

WordPress MU Trac wpmu-trac at lists.automattic.com
Fri Oct 19 05:59:13 GMT 2007

#458: Proposal for wp_blogmeta table
 Reporter:  ktlee       |       Owner:  somebody
     Type:  task        |      Status:  new     
 Priority:  normal      |   Milestone:  WPMU 2.0
Component:  component1  |     Version:  2.0     
 Severity:  normal      |    Keywords:          
 wp_blogmeta table consists of these fields (identical to sitemeta table
 and usermeta table)

 - bmeta_id

 - blog_id

 - meta_key

 - meta_value

 '''When to store meta tag in this table'''

 - used to store blog options that aren't specifically relate or need to
 individual blog's option table.

 - store fields that shouldn't be in wp_site table

 - store option fields that are only apply to WPMU only

 - blog options that are not in WP should be stored here

 '''Example Blog option Meta Tag'''

 - report spam: people can mark this blogs as spam*

 - report mature: people can mark this blogs as mature*

 - db_version

 - db_latest update

 - language: language blogs are in

 - individual blog upload space allowed

 - alternative domain name

 - premium account flags: buy more space, used custom domain,

 * need a navigation bar on top similar to wordpress.com

 '''What will this do?'''

 - this will make query on some of the blog option possible, it's
 cumbersome to do a massive select with UNION between blog's option table

 - developer can easily do SQL Query on blog space, spam, mature blog etc.
 in short, make SQL easy, and possible

 - we don't need the wp_blog_versions table

 - fix Ticket #111 - http://trac.mu.wordpress.org/ticket/111


 Suggestions, questions, critiques are all welcome. =)



Ticket URL: <http://trac.mu.wordpress.org/ticket/458>
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