[wp-ui] First steps

Chris Garrett chris at abstraktion.co.uk
Tue Jan 19 22:26:31 UTC 2010

hi Jane,

Thanks for the clarification, very good response :) I didn't realise there
was so much scope still left to have an impact on the project, it sounds
like we'll see some very strong ideas merging. As for an introduction, you
can find my portfolio at http://abstraktion.co.uk. I run the company from
Bristol, UK with my partner Rachel (we've just had our first baby girl at
Christmas). We've designed and built a number of projects on top of
Wordpress and have extensive experience in designing UI's for web and
desktop applications, so naturally this project's grabbed my interest.


2010/1/19 Jane Wells <jane at automattic.com>

> Hi Chris. When I say the general layout and structure isn't up for being
> redesigned right now, I mean the basic framing of the left nav, modular
> elements, etc. Various sections will be "redesigned," such as Settings, Site
> Admin from MU, and the media uploader. Also, some screens will be
> redesigned, like Comments and Plugins. However, as long as they still live
> within the general WP UI, I don't consider that a major redesign. Matt
> declared last year that we would be sticking with the 2.7 design for at
> least the next few years, having undergone several backend redesigns in a
> short time period before. So *pieces* will be redesigned, but we're not
> "redesigning the admin,"  a phrase that will freak people out because it
> means changing everything, not just making what's there better.
> And yes, there is a reason to restrict this project at first to the
> touchups... not only is this a new process for contributing to the design of
> the UI, but we're in the middle of merging two codebases. There are
> significant UI issues that need to be fixed as part of this process. Doing a
> "drastic rethink" of the backend UI just isn't on the table at this time.
> Just as the contributing developers work within a scope for each release, so
> will contributing designers.
> j
> On Jan 19, 2010, at 12:45 PM, Chris Garrett wrote:
>  In honesty Jane, that's a bit disappointing. There are quite a few areas
>> of the WP UI that would benefit from a drastic rethink and I'd imagine many
>> people on the list would be more than happy to take up that challenge,
>> myself included, is there any real reason why we're being restricted to
>> simply "touching up" the areas which aren't yet properly finished?
>> I'd imagine, given a little freedom, we'd probably see some enhancements
>> to the general user-experience and aesthetic of Wordpress, that reflect
>> everyones needs a lot more than it does at the moment.

Chris Garrett, Digital Creative

Phone: 01179635700 - Mobile: 07846015009 - Email: chris at abstraktion.co.uk

* Director - Abstraktion, http://abstraktion.co.uk
* Co-Founder - Bex Media, http://www.bexmedia.net/
* Blogger - http://chrsgrrtt.com

• HSBC Startup Star 2009
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