[wp-trac] [WordPress Trac] #61319: Plugin Dependencies: Change AJAX activation handler to restore auto-redirect after plugin activation

WordPress Trac noreply at wordpress.org
Thu May 30 13:19:57 UTC 2024

#61319: Plugin Dependencies: Change AJAX activation handler to restore auto-
redirect after plugin activation
 Reporter:  hellofromTonya                     |       Owner:
                                               |  hellofromTonya
     Type:  defect (bug)                       |      Status:  reviewing
 Priority:  normal                             |   Milestone:  6.5.4
Component:  Upgrade/Install                    |     Version:  6.5
 Severity:  normal                             |  Resolution:
 Keywords:  has-patch has-testing-info commit  |     Focuses:
                                               |  administration

Comment (by kevinwhoffman):

 Replying to [comment:23 hellofromTonya]:
 > >However, I would also suggest that restoring redirects is framed as a
 temporary fix until an onboarding framework is in place, and that we set
 expectations for plugin developers that forcing redirects is not a long-
 term solution.
 > I respectfully disagree. I don't think this regression fix nor the minor
 should be opinionated. Rather, it's goal is to fix the regression. I also
 think the question of banning / preventing redirects is still open and
 unanswered, as I noted above. That may very well the direction it goes.
 But given the pushback of impacts and plugins with huge user bases saying
 their users (the WP project's users) want to go from activation to
 onboarding, I think it's too early to say this is a temporary fix.
 > The way to frame is: it's restoring to resolve the regression and the
 next step or phase in the workflow will continue in #61040.
 > What do you think?

 You're right, I should not have worded that recommendation as a way to
 frame this regression fix, but I do think we should set some general
 expectations for plugin developers that the post-activation behavior may
 change as a result of an ongoing discussion around onboarding in #61040.
 While a dev note may not be needed for this fix because no action is
 needed today, the frequent changes to post-activation behaviors from 6.5
 onwards should be addressed with some vision for the future.

 > But given the pushback of impacts and plugins with huge user bases
 saying their users (the WP project's users) want to go from activation to
 onboarding, I think it's too early to say this is a temporary fix.

 I agree that the large plugins and their users need this fix, but the
 shared desire for plugin developers and users to go from activation to
 onboarding does not necessarily reflect a shared desire to be redirected
 without a choice. The commercial interests of plugins to onboard as many
 users as possible is at odds with user control, predictability, and
 consistency across the plugin ecosystem.

 By fixing the regression in this manner, let's acknowledge the trade-offs:
 In order to restore a more direct path to onboarding in 6.5.4, we are
 intentionally removing user control while re-introducing unpredictability
 and inconsistency into the Add Plugins workflow. In 6.5.4, pressing
 "Activate" will once again result in different behaviors across plugins
 with no indication as to which plugins do or do not redirect.

 Given the circumstances, I believe these are acceptable trade-offs in the
 short-term. By acknowledging them here, I hope to provide some direction
 as to where we go next and the problems we aim to solve in #61040.

Ticket URL: <https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/61319#comment:24>
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