[wp-testers] bugs

Tim Veluwenkamp djtimv at gmail.com
Sun Mar 30 08:52:26 GMT 2008

Wp-chace woks fine with me i am using it now no problems so far.

2008/3/30, Duane Storey <duanestorey at gmail.com>:
> I ran into a couple bugs tonight.
> 1) I moved a blog over from one server to another, both running the
> latest and greatest WP 2.5.  I didn't move the themes over though.
> This caused the WP2.5 to render a blank page.  My recollection was
> that old WP versions would revert to default if the theme couldn't be
> found.  This new version doesn't seem to do that, and you end up with
> a blank page.
> 2) I had the WP-Cache plugin.  When I enabled it in WP 2.5 it
> basically borked my whole install somehow.  I couldn't access the
> admin panel or the main page - they just rendered white.  I fixed this
> by removing the DEFINE from the wp-config.php file.  But it took me a
> while to find out.
> Good work though guys.
> Duane
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Met Vriendelijke Groet,
Tim Veluwenkamp
djtimv at gmail.com

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