[wp-testers] Center

Annie lsandrsn at gmail.com
Fri Mar 28 14:28:22 GMT 2008

Reaching for something more makes sense when it will ultimately allow  
for greater flexibility. This new design of the write page, however,  
is more like reaching backwards.

But . . . I will continue to use it because I really do like the rest  
of the changes. *They* are much more user friendly and I think they  
will appeal to both power users and newbies alike as well as those  
who fall somewhere outside of that.

If there is going to be a plugin of some kind - hopefully sooner than  
later - to allow those of us who wish to move that section to the  
sidebar, I'm sure this will be beneficial to more than just a handful  
of users in the power user category and I can wait for that, though  
perhaps not too patiently. ;-) Unless it isn't going to be done until  
2.6. If that's the case, I might just keep 2.3.3 until then - sadly.

~ Annie

On Mar 28, 2008, at 6:59 AM, Matt Mullenweg wrote:

> Les Bessant wrote:
>> Or better, make the page configurable. Or have a "basic" page and  
>> an "advanced" page. There is no need to make software harder to  
>> use for people who know what they are doing so that beginners/ 
>> novices/whatever can be less confused.
> 2.5 is about trying something new.
> WordPress has in the past had a "simple" and "advanced" posting  
> interface.
> We've also had an interface where almost everything was draggable  
> and droppable.
> I'm intimately familiar with how and why these worked or didn't  
> work, and that's why we're going to try something new. We've kept  
> some things for years that seem to work well virtually untouched,  
> but when things are a big source of support issues and confusion  
> (like the dashboard and write page were) I think it's worth not  
> being content with the status quo and reaching for something more.
> -- 
> Matt Mullenweg
> http://ma.tt | http://automattic.com
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