[wp-testers] Center

Matt Mullenweg m at mullenweg.com
Fri Mar 28 13:59:39 GMT 2008

Les Bessant wrote:
> Or better, make the page configurable. Or have a "basic" page and an 
> "advanced" page. There is no need to make software harder to use for 
> people who know what they are doing so that beginners/novices/whatever 
> can be less confused.

2.5 is about trying something new.

WordPress has in the past had a "simple" and "advanced" posting interface.

We've also had an interface where almost everything was draggable and 

I'm intimately familiar with how and why these worked or didn't work, 
and that's why we're going to try something new. We've kept some things 
for years that seem to work well virtually untouched, but when things 
are a big source of support issues and confusion (like the dashboard and 
write page were) I think it's worth not being content with the status 
quo and reaching for something more.

Matt Mullenweg
http://ma.tt | http://automattic.com

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