[wp-testers] AW: Write Page

Annie lsandrsn at gmail.com
Fri Mar 28 04:15:43 GMT 2008

And I completely agree with Dawnne here. It's totally not the  
scrolling that's the issue - it's the user friendliness of often used  

Like the old saying "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."

I do like most of the other changes and upgrades but this one . . .  
it's counter-productive and makes the whole design feel broken to me.

~ Annie

On Mar 27, 2008, at 8:45 PM, Dawnne Gee wrote:

> Erg. That response doesn't address what many of us are perceiving  
> to be the
> problem. Does it take that much time to scroll? Of course not! (For  
> those
> who have a device that scrolls). The assertion can be summed up,  
> "Along with
> your WordPress 2.5 Upgrade, we strongly recommend the immediate  
> purchase of
> a pointing device with a scroll wheel, as well as a USB hub if such is
> necessary." So much for the "free" in Free! Upgrade!
> And one's ability to scroll is not THE POINT! The point is, something
> (several things) that used to be readily available no longer are.  
> Sure,
> they're still there, but the ease of use and fluidity that some of  
> us fell
> in love with (and migrated our blogs from blogger, typepad, et al  
> to use),
> will be gone with this "upgrade".
> It's kind of like going to your favorite restaurant, ordering a  
> New! Better!
> No Hormones! steak, and the waitress brings you a plate with some  
> rice and
> veggies on it, and tells you the steak will be served later....on  
> the table
> behind you.
> I don't think you'd eat there very long, but the fact that you have  
> many of
> us who aren't willing to go migrate our blogs off to another system  
> really
> shouldn't be interpreted as a request to treat us like that  
> restaurant.
> -----Original Message-----
> Matt Moore wrote:
>> The new way is terrible.  Every single post has a category or a  
>> tag, and
>> putting the input for them off the screen makes for too many posts in
>> 'uncategorized.'
> I'm going to buy you one of those little new-fangled mouses with the
> wheels in the middle.
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