[wp-testers] Suggestions and notes

Joe Beharriell jbeharriell at gmail.com
Thu Mar 27 19:08:09 GMT 2008

Just a quick note to start... all of the following points are based
off the SVN build of WordPress 2.5-RC2 as of 03/27/08 at 2:30 PM

##Manage -> Links
- Option to order by date added would be a nice touch
- Have UI remember users ordering preference (ie.In my case, I want to
see newest to oldest).

##Write -> Post
- Page templates for posts? If this already exists, it's not showing
up for me in 2.5-RC2.
- I agree with many others about the layout of the page for writing
new posts. Categories and tags need to be more visible.
- The date field doesn't fit properly across the column, and splits
onto two lines. Is this new? I don't remember it showing for a brand
new post before. Personally, hide that and provide a link that
displays it if a user wants to manually set a date. Most people want
it set to "now".
- It may be just this build, but the UI seems to keep forgetting my
preferences on the Write -> Post page... all the sub-sections keep
opening up.

##Manage -> Media Library
- Button to add media directly to the library. Right now, I go in as
if to create a new post, add whatever media I'd like, hit save, and it
then skip away from the post. This adds the media to the library
without an associated post. This should be much easier.

##Search (Front-end)
- Can we not have a set of preferences for the search function that
allows up to specify what should and shouldn't be searched? ie. Posts,
Pages, Links, etc.?

- The ability to drag and reorganize dashboard modules would be nice
- The Right Now bar is great, but why not allow a user to choose what
buttons go there? A quick launch, of sorts. I'd personally prefer
"Write a New Link" over "Write a New Page", but that's just me...
everyone's different.
- The Right Now module displays the number of posts, pages, and
drafts... what about links?
- Visit Site link should open the site in a new tab/window, not the
current one. This was the case previously... any reason for the

- My vote on the order: Widgets, Themes, Theme Editor

##Settings -> Permalinks
- It'd be nice to be able to set a custom permalink to the "Links" archive.

- Has anyone mentioned relative dates (ie. Posted 4 days ago)? It'd be
nice to have that built-in, rather than having to rely on a
third-party plugin.
- An activity log of sorts that keeps track of what's done on the
back-end? This allows an admin to take a quick peek and see what the
other users are doing. Maybe someone already has a plugin that handles
this? If so, I'd love to know about it.

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