[wp-testers] Media uploader not functional

Jerry D. Russell jerry at spunpuppy.com
Fri Mar 21 13:31:35 GMT 2008

Peter, thanks for pointing me in the right direction.  It was the 
WP-Contact Form plugin causing the media uploader to fail. (Why is it 
always the last thing you would expect?)  So I'll be on the hunt for a 
new contact form, I suppose.  I'll also get ahold of the author and let 
him know.

Peter Westwood wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Jerry D. Russell wrote:
> | I noticed that some of the media files were updated overnight and 
> did an
> | svn update to revision 7448, but I am still unable to upload any media
> | files through the dashboard.  All I gt is a message stating "Are you
> | sure you want to do that?" with a link telling me to try again.
> | Clicking "Please try again" simply reloads the dashboard into the 
> frame.
> |
> | Screenshot:
> | http://www.cookingbytheseatofmypants.com/WordPress-Media-Error.png
> |
> | Server logs are showing that the page returned with a 200 (OK).
> | Internet Explorer 6 (under Wine in Linux) reports a 500 server error.
> | Firefox and seamonkey see the wordpress generated error page, as does
> | IE7 under Windows XP SP2.  Konqueror just doesn't work (Not surprising
> | but I wanted to check anyway.)
> |
> | Is this a known issue that I just haven't picked up from the mailing
> | list?  Media uploads are something that should definitely be working by
> | the time a piece of software hits RC stage, aren't they?  Could this be
> | a problem with my server configuration?  If so, what should I check?
> The "Are you sure you want to do this?" means that a nonce failed
> validation.
> However I don't think there are any nonce checks when the media uploader
> is shown.
> Do you have any pre caching browser plugins that are following all the
> links in the page?
> Have you tried with all your WordPress plugins disabled?
> westi
> - --
> Peter Westwood
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