[wp-testers] Media Library scrolling

Mr. Awesome theone.andonly.mr.awesome at gmail.com
Fri Mar 21 03:34:29 GMT 2008

Andy Skelton wrote:
> The problem is that tables automatically expand to fit non-wrapping
> lines. There are a few possible solutions:
> Restrict the width of cells in that column to a fixed or percentage
> width, hiding overflow.
>  con: hidden information
>  con: awkward to resize when the rest of the cols are unrestrained
> Automatically break filenames every n characters to line wrap on display.
>  con: altered information
> Don't display past character n.
>  can: missing information
> Being an information junkie, I don't like any of these solutions. If
> there is a consensus or a better idea I'll try to make that work.

Crap. *Cough* IFrame it... when a title gets to a certain point, it just 
creates Iframe within the table cells... lol. I don't know what to say, 
because all the above stuff are solutions, they just have cons that 
people don't like... but, it's bound to happen no matter what though..  
People will upload things that might have long titles and the same stuff 
will happen to them as well. If something isn't applied now, it will be 
bound to come up later down road anyway. One of those unresolved issues 
that sits in Trac for years...

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