[wp-testers] General Feedback

Jerry D. Russell jerry at spunpuppy.com
Thu Mar 20 19:46:16 GMT 2008

as for alt's not showing in Firefox..  Do you mean that they don't show 
on mouseover?  If so, they really weren't ever supposed to.  You must 
use the title tag for that

Sue Gelber wrote:
> I just downloaded the program and wrote a post. So far:
> +
> Like that you integrated "save & continue editing" and "save," which now allows one to continue editing. 
> Like that preview opens into full screen.Like media library. No feedback on uploads yet, as I had given up on images and just manually enter the code after transferring via FTP. 
> Like the new tag listings in write and manage.Nice flow after finishing post, to add tags, choose category (something I'd often forget and return to).Suggestions
> Move "save" up next to preview. 
> Under dashboard's Right Now, and on the write page once a post is "Publish"ed, how about a 3rd link to "Edit Last Post."Right Now Write a New Post Write a New Page 
> Your post has been saved. View post | Edit post
> Non-WP question:
> Image "alt's" don't show in Mozilla Firefox, whether editing or when
> published. Internet Explorer is fine. oes
> anyone know how to solve this?
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