[wp-testers] 415 active tickets for milestone 2.5

Jacob Santos wordpress at santosj.name
Tue Mar 11 14:11:35 GMT 2008

Francesc Hervada-Sala wrote:
> Hello all,
> at the trac roadmap
> http://trac.wordpress.org/roadmap
> one sees that there are 415 active tickets assigned to milestone 2.5. Does 
> this mean that all these tickets must be closed before 2.5 goes out? Or is 
> this information not always representative?
> Another question: will there be a string freeze for 2.5? 
> Best regards,
It means that when 2.5 is closed out, they will be moved to 2.6.


Jacob Santos

http://www.santosj.name - blog
http://funcdoc.wordpress.com - WordPress Documentation Blog/Guide Licensed under GPLv2

Also known as darkdragon and santosj on WP trac.

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