[wp-polyglots] Direct translation - encoding issues

Nikolay Bachiyski nbachiyski at developer.bg
Tue Oct 30 17:01:50 GMT 2007

2007/10/30, एस्.के <skichu at gmail.com>:
> I translated the error message (beyond "die") in the file
> wp-blog-header.php as instructed in the Codex to my preferred
> language, viz, Tamil (ta_IN) and saved it. Since the language is in
> unicode I saved the file in utf-8 encoding. When I tried the file in
> my own blog, it spews an error message like "header already sent" etc.
> I tried with config.php also by saving it in utf-8 and I get the same result.
> Please give me a solution.

Make sure you saved your files without the byte order mark [0]. It confuses php.

If this doesn't help, please give us the exact error message given
before "headers already sent" ones.

[0] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byte_Order_Mark

Happy translating,

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