[wp-polyglots] Latvian translation team

Jāzeps Baško jaba at inbox.lv
Mon Oct 22 07:06:20 GMT 2007


My Wordpress forum username is "zilupe". I would like to have lv_LV
write access.

Jāzeps Baško.
  Quoting Nikolay Bachiyski : 2007/10/9, Jāzeps Baško :
 Is there any active Latvian translation team? I would like to
contribute to
 the translation of wordpress in Latvian (lv).
 If there is a team, I would like to join it.
 If there is none, how does the cooperation go on? Is there a common
 wordpress SVN respository where we commit changes or do we have to
set up
 smth like that on our own? It's not a problem, but if there is one,
 where is it and how does one connect to it.
 Hello Jāzeps,
 As it seems, nobody is translating WordPress in Latvian, so you'll
 the first one :-)
 We do use a svn repository, located at
 When you give me your wordpress.org forums username (register if you
 don't have one) you will get commit access to the lv folder.
 On the Codex [0] you can find information about the repository
 structure and some WordPress-specific translation details.
 It will be great if you add some information about you (and others
 the team) on our "WordPress in Your Language" page [1].
 Thank you for your interest and happy translating,
 Nikolay Bachiyski
 [0] http://codex.wordpress.org/Translating_WordPress
 [1] http://codex.wordpress.org/WordPress_in_Your_Language
 Ar cieņu
 Jāzeps Baško

[1] mailto:nbachiyski at developer.bg
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